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Young people worried about Domestic Abuse


Sometimes relationships are not happy places to be. Domestic abuse (also called domestic violence) happens when one person hurts or bullies another person who is or was their partner or who is in the same family. It can happen either when people live together or separately, and can also happen after a relationship has finished.


Although domestic abuse happens mostly between adults, young people can be affected by the abuse that they see and hear, and they can be hurt or bullied as part of domestic abuse between adults. You may also experience abuse from your own boy/girlfriend.


If someone in your family is abusive, remember it’s not your fault. If this is happening in your family, remember that you are not alone - there are people that can help you and your family. Everyone has the right to be and feel safe.






How to get help


You can report Domestic Abuse to COMPASS or Essex Police - find out how here.


Rethink Advocacy - Advocates support people so they have a say in important and often difficult decisions about their treatment and care. This includes support with arrangements that could impact on their independence and quality of life. Visit Rethink Advocacy. (part of Crimestoppers) - Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. It also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime - 100% anonymously.